Jul 3, 2020

The Script


Client: Maisy, who isn’t sure about booking a Surprise Holiday
ATO: Peter, who wants to reassure her that it is great

M.: Hiya, I recently came across your Special Offer for Surprise Holidays for £149.

P.: Yes, hi, what I can do for you?

M.: Ok right, so what is this all about? What do I have to do next?

P.: Ok, please fill in the questionnaire on our website: link. Tell us your location, general interests, dates, preferred temperature, what you don’t like and some more info’s. It only takes around 5min to fill in. Then just put in £149 in the budget and let us know whether you want to fly or take a train. We will then design your surprise trip for you.

M.: Oh wow that sounds interesting. And what’s included in the £149 and can I choose my destination?

P.: No, the destination is a surprise. It includes however your train/flight tickets and 2-night accommodation.

Too good to be true

M.: Hm, where’s the catch?

P.: There isn’t one.

M: Usually when it’s cheap it can’t be right. I heard about this £99 scam here and I rather pay a bit more than staying in a place like this. Also, are these £149 surprise holidays limited? Do they sell out?

P.: No, this is an ongoing offer for budget sensitive travellers who don’t want to miss out on the excitement.

M: This sounds so cool! But I don’t want to be stuck somewhere in Europe with all this Coronavirus going on and companies going bust.

Covid Covered

P.: That’s fine, we are Covid covered and that means that we will bring you back as we prepay all our suppliers. And we will also fully refund you should there be a sudden travel ban.

M.: Ah I see. Seems all right. You know it’s me and my best friend Megan who really want to go on holiday this year. Been stuck here for months now and can’t wait to get away for a few days. But we haven’t got much money, so this would be perfect.

Let’s go

P.: Great, please fill in the questionnaire and we confirm your surprise holiday within 48hs.

M.: OMG, I can’t believe I’m doing this. I just send it through!

P.: Received. Thank you.

M.: Thank you so much. What’s next?

P.: We will create your personal surprise holiday and send you all the documents 7 days prior to departure together with the invoice.

M.: We are soooo excited!!!!

Maisy’s surprise holiday questionnaire:

Start date: 01/08/2020
Return on: 04/08/2020
Start time: 09:30
Depart From: Birmingham
Travelling by: Train
Who’s travelling: Friends
Number of people: 2
Budget per person: £149
Some must haves: Boutiques and shops + Nightlife
Accommodation type: Hotel, Apartment
Average temperature: 25
Some no-go areas: There isn’t much we are not willing to try, but we have been to Edinburgh, Barcelona and Amsterdam already.


Based on the results of the questionnaire, Maisy’s destination for her ATO Confidential, surprise trip was Brighton!

If you like what you have read and want to go on a surprise holiday too, just click here.

Or contact us here: